Welcome from the Springfield-Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter!!
We are excited for the 2023-2024 Sorority Year!!! STAY TUNED FOR WHAT’S TO COME!!!!

The Springfield-Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Presents….

Want to be a Vendor???
Click Here to complete our Vendor Registration Online!! OR Download the Registration Form and mail in using information on form.
MIDS: Empower, Educate, Engage Ways to Participate
1. Social Media post and/or text and email someone the count down.
2. Pearls to the polls Oct 26th in both cities. Pictures will be at 11:30 am.
3. Parent Place Diaper Drive Parade (Springfield, IL).
Sorors can…
A. Donate diapers.
B. Walk in the parade.
C. Promote the parade and request for diapers from friends and family.
D. Come out to parade and cheer Sorors on. Parade Sign-up Here