Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship

The Springfield- Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter is dedicated to assisting high achieving young African American adults in continuing their education at institutions of higher learning.  Annually the Chapter awards several $500 scholarships to graduating seniors in the Springfield/Decatur area who are continuing their education at an accredited college or university. Since 1979 the Chapter has awarded over $100,000 in scholarships. Students receiving scholarships demonstrate high academic ability and outstanding community service. The scholarship recipients and their parents are recognized and honored at a public reception hosted by the Chapter, where past recipients report on their college experience and future plans.

If you are interested in our Scholarship Application please let us know!!!


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EMBODIEMBODI (Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for DevelopingIndependence) is a program for minority 8th grade boys in the Springfield area.

The goals of EMBODI are:

  • To expand the horizons of young African American males by cultivating a personal vision for their lives;
  • To provide tools for young African American males to attain a higher quality of life;
  • To provide young African American males with an awareness of various college and career options to make rewarding life choices and decisions; and
  • To create community-minded young African American males by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.

The Chapter’s 6 month EMBODI Program addresses issues related to STEM education, culture, self-efficacy, leadership, physical and mental health, healthy lifestyles choices, character, ethics, relationships, college readiness, fiscal management, civic engagement and service learning.

Delta Academy

LaPetite Delta AcademyCatching the Dreams of Tomorrow, Preparing Young Women for the 21st Century is the theme of The Delta Academy Program which was created to serve young females (ages 11-14) to boost academic success, and build self-esteem for bright futures. Delta Academy provides an opportunity for our chapter to enrich and enhance the education that our young teens receive in school. Specifically, we augment their scholarship in math, science, and technology, their opportunities to provide service in the form of leadership through service learning defined as the cultivation and maintenance of relationships. A primary goal of the program is to prepare young girls for full participation as leaders in the 21st Century.

Springfield-Decatur Area Alumnae previously offered a Delta Academy program known as “La Petite Delta Academy”. La Petite Delta was a signature program of the Chapter that serves eight grade girls as they transition into young adults. The program runs 8 months and involves a variety of speakers, educational activities, and team building. At this time the chapter has officially offering the Delta Academy program as described above.

Delta G.E.M.S

Delta G.E.M.SA natural outgrowth and expansion for the continuation of the highly successfully Dr. Betty Shabaaz Delta Academy: Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow, Delta Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully (GEMS) was created to catch the dreams of African American at-risk, adolescent girls aged 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the frame work to actualize those dreams through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude. The goals for Delta GEMS are:

  • To instill the need to excel academically
  • To provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high levels of academic success;
  • To assist girls in proper goal setting and planning for their futures high school and beyond; and
  • To create compassionate, caring, and community minded young women by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.

The Springfield Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter Delta GEMS 6 month program offers a road map for college and career planning. The Chapter provides activities that provide opportunities for self-reflection and individual growth. Sessions are also provided for parents so that are better equipped to support their daughters.